Organic Pine Oil



Pinus Sylvestris

The scent of pine essential oil uplifts energy at all levels.  It has been said that the pine scent clears the mind from old feelings of guilt.

It activates the flow of body fluids, strengthens the nervous system and refreshes the body systems generally.

When used with diffuser, the pine scent needs time to awaken its aroma. The essential oil is surprisingly quiet and resinous. Therefore the first reaction to the pine aroma is  usually to inhale deeply. When inhaled, pine essential oil promotes general feelings of energy and wellbeing.

Soil association organic certified.


  • Width: 2.25cm
  • Height: 5.4cm
  • Depth: 2.25cm
  • Material: glass, plastic


Main components: 
Monoterpenes ( strenghtening, refreshing and relieving discomfort) alfa-pinene b-pinenene weight: 400;">b-myrsenei limonene The analysis of the pine oil has recognised components 121 = 99,99%

How is it made?
The essential oil is steam distilled mainly from the needles.