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Eine perfekte Balance zwischen Säure und Süße...
Maison Brémond hat den berühmten „Lemon Curd“ in einem Rezept auf Basis von nativem Olivenöl extra aus Kreta g.U. und Rosmarinextrakt auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Letzterer wirkt als Antioxidans. 100 % natürlicher und einzigartiger Zitronenquark.
Kategorie: foodies , home cook , natural origin
Jam made in the heart of Provence and cooked in the old-fashioned way in a cauldron. Origin: France. Ingredients: Fruits 50% (Cavaillon melon 49.5%, lemon 0.5%), cane sugar, gelling agent: fruit...
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Jam made in the heart of Provence and cooked traditionally. Made in France Ingredients: Cane sugar, clementine 27%, orange 15%, orange juice, concentrated lemon juice, vanilla extract 0.3%, gelling agent:...
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A jar of tasty treats handcrafted in Haute-Provence, with expert craftsmanship and finest ingredients, for a smooth and creamy texture with a touch of caramel! Ingredients : sugar, hazelnut...
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Indulge your taste buds with Maison Brémond's newest addition to their fruity jam collection. Bursting with the unique and delicious flavors of mango, passion fruit, and sea buckthorn, these jams...
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