Geschenke unter 50 €

Doudou Leinen Küchentuch
– AusverkauftZusammensetzung: 100 % Leinen Abmessungen: 45 x 75 cm - 18 x 29,5" 100 % französische Produkte: alles in Werkstätten in Frankreich gewebt und hergestellt. Das Unternehmen TRP CHARVET ist...
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Sonnenkreis Wandbehang Schwarz
Farbe: natur & schwarz Material: Palmblätter Maße: M = 90cm , XS = 50cm Durchmesser (an der breitesten Stelle) nicht in feuchten Umgebungen verwenden People of the Sun ist ein...
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Natürliche Ölfarbstifte/Buntstifte aus Bienenwachs auf einer Rolle
– AusverkauftKreieren Sie lebendige und warme Erdtöne mit diesem Set aus 10 natürlichen, ungiftigen Ölpastellen. Diese cremigen Pastelle aus goldenem Bienenwachs und Leinöl fühlen sich angenehm pastös an und sind handgeschnitten...
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Kaffee von Kleinbauern aus Guatemala | Bio Fairtrade
€4,25 €8,50
Herkunft: Guatemala Sorte: 100% Arabica Gewicht: 250g Verarbeitung: Direkt gehandelter Rohkaffee Röstverfahren: Geröstet in kleinen Chargen im energiesparenden und schonenden 3-Stufen-Verfahren Anbauhöhe: zwischen 1.100 und 1.300 Metern Klassifizierung: nach SCAA:...
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Kaffee von Kleinbauern aus Malawi | Bio Fairtrade
€4,25 €8,50
Herkunft: Distrikt Rumphi, Malawi – Afrika Sorte: 100% Arabisch Gewicht: 250g Geschmack: Schokoladig, süßlich Nachhaltigkeit: Fairtrade, bio (internationales Bio-Label) und zertifiziert nach ISO 9001:2015 Kleine inhabergeführte Bauernhöfe, kooperative Verarbeitung in...
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Messung: L11 x 3cm Handgefertigt aus massivem Teakholz. Jedes Stück hat seine eigene, einzigartige Holzmaserung. Pflegehinweise: Nur Handwäsche. Nicht in Wasser einweichen. Teakholz, ein tropischer Hartholzbaum mit einem natürlichen goldbraunen...
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Messung: L12,5 x B2,5 cm Handgefertigt aus massivem Teakholz. Jedes Stück hat seine eigene, einzigartige Holzmaserung. Pflegehinweise: Nur Handwäsche. Nicht in Wasser einweichen. Teakholz, ein tropischer Hartholzbaum mit einem natürlichen...
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Großer ovaler Kochlöffel
Messung: L30 x B10 x H2cm Handgefertigt aus massivem Teakholz. Jedes Stück hat seine eigene, einzigartige Holzmaserung. Pflegehinweise: Nur Handwäsche. Nicht in Wasser einweichen. Teakholz, ein tropischer Hartholzbaum mit einem...
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Maße: 19,5 x 4 x H2 cm Handgefertigt aus massivem Teakholz. Jedes Stück hat seine eigene, einzigartige Holzmaserung. Pflegehinweise: Nur Handwäsche. Nicht in Wasser einweichen. Teakholz, ein tropischer Hartholzbaum mit...
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Urnenvase aus natürlichem Mangoholz
Maße: Durchmesser 8,5 x Höhe 11 cm Handgefertigt aus massivem Mangoholz. Nicht wasserdicht. Ideal für Trockenblumen Pflegehinweis: Mit einem weichen, trockenen Tuch reinigen. Unsere Vasen aus massivem Mangoholz werden von...
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Messung: L20 x 6,5 cm Handgefertigt aus massivem Teakholz. Jedes Stück hat seine eigene, einzigartige Holzmaserung. Pflegehinweise: Nur Handwäsche. Nicht in Wasser einweichen. Teakholz, ein tropischer Hartholzbaum mit einem natürlichen...
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Spruce-Cranberry Sense Oil
A vibrant red berries infused natural oil made of pure Finnish cranberry and spruce twig.This spruce-cranberry oil strengthens your skin and makes your skin glow in a special way. Sense oil...
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Other Summer | Home Diffuser
Flowery, fresh, sun TOP NOTES lemon HEART NOTES white rose BASE NOTES vanilla Inspired by summer and capture its most recognisable aromas in a new other summer diffuser. Other...
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Organic Pine Oil
Pinus SylvestrisThe scent of pine essential oil uplifts energy at all levels. It has been said that the pine scent clears the mind from old feelings of guilt.It activates the...
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Columnae Hand Cream is a nourishing hand treatment with absorbent fatty acids that deliver intense hydration to skin, cuticles, and nails. With its rich blend of calming ingredients and skin-softening...
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Escalier Hand Cream is a nourishing hand treatment with absorbent fatty acids that deliver intense hydration to skin, cuticles, and nails. With its rich blend of calming ingredients and skin-softening...
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Cloudy Tiger Head Rug | GoodWeave Certified
Bringing some cheer to your bedroom, nursery or living room. Cloudy Tiger Head Rug is handmade in India from 100% wool, with a cotton back. Proudly GoodWeave certified. This provides...
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Z - Zinnia | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT A long-flowering summertime plant with gorgeously coloured flowers that make wonderful cut flowers. THE TYPE A “bubble” style font inspired by the big, rounded, puffy letters of...
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Y - Yarrow | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Delicate clusters of small white flowers on grey-green feathery foliage. Used as a medicinal herb. THE TYPE Banco, created by Roger Excoffon, represents the spirit of progress...
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X - Xeranthemum | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Delicate, paper-like flowers that range in colour from purple to pale blue, perfect for drying. THE TYPE Font inspired by the Latin characters etched on the old...
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W - Wallflower | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Gorgeous, pleasantly-scented bright yellow-orange flowers on slender, dark-green foliage. THE TYPE A typeface inspired by the ghostly aesthetics of horror film posters from the 1970s and 1980s....
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V - Verbena | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT A garden treasure, with tall, elegant branching stems holding several clusters of tiny lilac blooms. THE TYPE Vormgevers, a rigid grid-based typeface, created by Wim Crouwel for...
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U - Ursinia | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Bushy plant with deep yellow, daisy-like flower heads, perfect for cut flowers and containers. THE TYPE Estro, by Aldo Novarese, is a whimsical game of irregular letters,...
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T - Teasel | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Tall globe-shaped flower heads made of tiny lilac flowers, superb in the garden once dried. THE TYPE American Typewriter, a font by Joael Kaden and Tony Stan...
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S - Scarlet Sage | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Gorgeous spikes of bright red flowers on bushy, dark foliage. Visited by birds for its seeds. THE TYPE Paul Renner’s Futura Black, an avant-garde typeface from the...
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R - Rudbeckia | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Brilliant yellow daisy-like flower, with dark chocolate centre. Attractive to butterflies and bees. THE TYPE A calligraphic typeface that mimics the graceful elegance of handwriting with pen...
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Q - Queen Anne’S Thimbles | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Pale blue globe-shaped flowers and delicate fern-like leaves, a plant loved by pollinator insects. THE TYPE Benguiat's adaption of Caslon, a renowned typeface used for typing US...
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P - Poppy | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT A vibrant red flower, a splash of colour that paints every countryside, needing no introduction. THE TYPE The iconic P of Puck, the first US satirical magazine...
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O - Oxeye Daisy | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT The simple, popular and beloved tiny white flower that spreads delight over spring meadows. THE TYPE Decorative typeface that was influenced by the early 1900s circus, rodeo...
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N - Nigella | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Lovely pale-blue, star-like flower, with feathery foliage. Dried seed pods are also very decorative. THE TYPE A font inspired by Mexico 1968 Olympics logo, which used geometric...
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M - Morning Glory | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT The well-known twining climber, with gorgeous leaves and sumptuous purple-blue-reddish blooms. THE TYPE A font modelled on the iconic Motown Records logo, created by the label's art...
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L - Lupin | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Plant in bunches for a breathtaking spectacle of colourful, upright, pollinators-friendly spikes. THE TYPE Chromatic Gothic Paneled typeface, the first experiment in multicoloured fonts by William H....
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K - Knautia | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Plant attractive to bees, with lilac-blue or red flowers. Commonly found at roadsides and in fields. THE TYPE A modern interpretation on Art Nouveau fonts, with flowing,...
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J - Johnny Jump Up | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Iconic, childlike violet with purple and yellow flowers. Long flowering, great for borders and pots. THE TYPE Motter Ombra is a playful and lightweight typeface associated with...
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I - Impatiens | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Long spikes of white, pink, and red blooms grace this very decorative and frost-resistant plant. THE TYPE Seymour Chwast's Artone shows exaggerated and ironic elements, as is...
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H - Honesty | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Tiny purple bloom mainly known for its translucent seedheads, ideal for dried-flower arrangements. THE TYPE A highly decorative, evocative font inspired by old decorated signs from 19th-century...
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G - Geranium | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT A herbaceous, small wild plant with pale blue, pink and white flowers that last all summer long. THE TYPE Saul Bass’ font for the film Vertigo where...
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F - Feverfew | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Prolific blooms of lovely, tiny white flower heads. Also, a beneficial herbal medicine. THE TYPE A font inspired by artist Bruno Munari, who combined simple shapes to...
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E - Electric Daisy | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Button-like, edible, yellow flowers. A favourite among chefs thanks to their unique flavour. THE TYPE Caslon Italian turns typographic norms on its head: the thins strokes get...
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D - Dahlia | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Brightly coloured flowers on compact plants. Perfect for flowerbeds, borders and potted gardens. THE TYPE Louis Minott's Davida is a highly ornamental typeface with a 19th-century, Victorian-era...
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C - Cosmos | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Colourful daisy-like flowers on long, thin stalks. Excellent for wildflower fields and cut flowers. THE TYPE A font inspired by Futurism, which messed with typography to reflect...
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B - Baby's Breath | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Distinctive airy clouds of white or pink flowers. A classic for cut flowers and arrangements. THE TYPE An homage to the 1970s fashion of making fonts inspired...
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A - Aster | Plant Seeds
THE PLANT Showy flower with vivid colours and prolific blooms. Ideal for borders and as a cut flower. THE TYPE Western-style variant of the French Antique font, very popular...
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100BON x Susan Oubari Eine duftende Synergie aus 12 ätherischen Ölen für eine Sinnesreise durch den Atem. Eine energetische, körperliche und emotionale Wiederherstellung des Gleichgewichts, die erste ganzheitliche „All-in-One“-Olfaktorbehandlung zum Wohlfühlen....
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VERSAND NUR INNERHALB DER EU! Die süße und berauschende Wärme von Jasmin, Tiaréblüte und Ambra. Eine Kur aus Süße und Exotik, um Mief und dunkle Gedanken zu vertreiben. Kopfnote : Zitrus...
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VERSAND NUR INNERHALB DER EU! Die warme und samtige Verbindung aus Patchouli und Amber lässt die Haut vor Sinnlichkeit erzittern. Ein magisches Elixier, das Lust und Raffinesse vereint. Kopfnote : Rosa...
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Francis Fawn Geschenkanhänger
Bringen Sie etwas Freude in Ihr Schlafzimmer, Kinderzimmer oder Wohnzimmer. Der Geschenkanhänger von Francis Fawn wird in Indien handgefertigt und besteht zu 100 % aus Wolle mit einer Rückseite aus...
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Lilly Leopard Geschenkanhänger
Bringen Sie etwas Freude in Ihr Schlafzimmer, Kinderzimmer oder Wohnzimmer. Der Geschenkanhänger „Lilly Leopard“ wird in Indien handgefertigt und besteht zu 100 % aus Wolle mit einer Rückseite aus Baumwolle....
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