Brought to Japan in the eighth century by Buddhist monks, who used the mystical aromas in their religious ceremonies, "Koh," as incense is called in Japanese, passed into the realm of the aristocracy centuries later as a source of amusement and enlightenment as they "listened to the fragrance" in their parlor games.
It wasn't until the 14th century in the Japan's Muromachi Era that incense reached the height of its popularity with the upper and middle classes of Japanese society, who used it as a mark of distinction and sophistication and to dispel unpleasant odors. It was around this time that samurai warriors began perfuming ; helmets and armor with incense before going into battle as they prepared to meet their fate.
Now, incense promises to become even more acceptable and desirable as a new dimension in gracious living that opens up a whole new world of spiritual awareness and understanding.

Paramita Räucherstäbchenhalter - Bronze Sechseck
Das Sanskrit-Wort Paramita bedeutet Vollkommenheit. Es bezieht sich auf die Tugenden, die wir entwickeln müssen, um Erleuchtung zu erlangen. Paramitas werden oft mit einem Ruderboot verglichen, das uns vom Ufer...
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