Melden Sie sich an, um 10 % Rabatt zu erhalten 💝. Kostenlose Lieferung innerhalb der EU bei Bestellungen über 80 €
Melden Sie sich an, um 10 % Rabatt zu erhalten 💝. Kostenlose Lieferung innerhalb der EU bei Bestellungen über 80 €
€6,16 €7,70
The Datterino tomato originates from Sicily. This very small, oblong, brilliant bright red tomato resembles a small date in shape, earning it the nickname “date tomato”. Its most distinctive features, however, are its fascinating aroma profile and its pronounced sweet-ness. This enables a higher sweetness level to be achie-ved than with conventional tomato varieties. To high-light the particular Datterino style even further, Peter van Nahmen teamed up with passionate spice miller Ingo Holland to develop a small dosage of added salt. He opted for “Sylt sea salt” from Alexandro Pape’s salt factory. For a fully-rounded taste experience with a touch of spiciness the bottle comes with a packet of black Kerala pepper from the Altes Gewürzamt Ingo Holland spicery.
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10437 Berlin
Montag - Samstag: 12 - 18 Uhr
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